Sobre Nosotros

Plataforma educativa para potenciar la inteligencia emocional en profesionales y emprendedores, mejorando su bienestar personal y profesional.

A colorful classroom corner decorated with educational materials and artwork. A tree made of brown paper with a bright yellow paper sun on a blue background. Alphabet letters displayed on a board with multicolored magnets. Several educational posters feature drawings and letters, and a plush toy lies on a white shelf. Various cut-out images and decorations create a child-friendly and engaging learning environment.
A colorful classroom corner decorated with educational materials and artwork. A tree made of brown paper with a bright yellow paper sun on a blue background. Alphabet letters displayed on a board with multicolored magnets. Several educational posters feature drawings and letters, and a plush toy lies on a white shelf. Various cut-out images and decorations create a child-friendly and engaging learning environment.

Recursos de Aprendizaje

Desarrolla tu inteligencia emocional y mejora tu bienestar personal y profesional con nuestros recursos.

Accede a cursos diseñados para potenciar tus habilidades emocionales y de liderazgo en el trabajo.

A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper that has the words 'Mindfulness in Education' typed on it. The typewriter is an old-fashioned, dark green model with metal components, placed on a wooden surface.
A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper that has the words 'Mindfulness in Education' typed on it. The typewriter is an old-fashioned, dark green model with metal components, placed on a wooden surface.

Ofrecemos servicios de coaching para ayudarte a aplicar la inteligencia emocional en tu vida diaria.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Gracias a Neurosoft, he mejorado mi liderazgo y gestión emocional en el trabajo y en mi vida personal.

Sealtiel Vera

A teacher is engaging with a group of students sitting at a desk. The students are dressed in matching attire and wearing traditional headwear. They appear focused on their studies as they interact with the teacher. Books are open in front of them, and shelves filled with books are visible in the background.
A teacher is engaging with a group of students sitting at a desk. The students are dressed in matching attire and wearing traditional headwear. They appear focused on their studies as they interact with the teacher. Books are open in front of them, and shelves filled with books are visible in the background.

Los cursos de inteligencia emocional me han ayudado a ser más resiliente y a mejorar mis relaciones.

Sadirtri Petersen

A neatly organized classroom shelf contains a variety of educational materials and tools. There are wooden trays, colored boxes, abacuses, and charts. Each shelf is filled with learning aids, prominently featuring items like math boards and counting tools. The environment is bright and has a warm, inviting atmosphere typical for a Montessori setting.
A neatly organized classroom shelf contains a variety of educational materials and tools. There are wooden trays, colored boxes, abacuses, and charts. Each shelf is filled with learning aids, prominently featuring items like math boards and counting tools. The environment is bright and has a warm, inviting atmosphere typical for a Montessori setting.

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